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Despite having health insurance, about one-third of individuals diagnosed with a mental health condition did not receive any form of specialty care, according to a report by Inseparable and Milliman.
Despite having health insurance, about one-third of individuals diagnosed with a mental health condition did not receive any form of specialty care, according to a report by Inseparable and Milliman.
Despite having health insurance,...
Behavioral Healthcare Executive
Ron Manderscheid, PhD
Behavioral health services urban residents take for granted are often nonexistent in rural areas. Four strategies can help bridge the widening divide.
Behavioral health services urban residents take for granted are often nonexistent in rural areas. Four strategies can help bridge the widening divide.
Behavioral health services urban...
Behavioral Healthcare Executive
Ed Jones, PhD
It will take shrewd long-term planning, creativity, risk taking, and some financial investment for our field to escape its chronic underfunding.
It will take shrewd long-term planning, creativity, risk taking, and some financial investment for our field to escape its chronic underfunding.
It will take shrewd long-term...
Behavioral Healthcare Executive
Ed Jones, PhD
The behavioral health field must decide how we will integrate with medical providers. Narrow types of integration exist today, limited by our field’s prevailing medical orientation, but we could expand significantly beyond these boundaries.
The behavioral health field must decide how we will integrate with medical providers. Narrow types of integration exist today, limited by our field’s prevailing medical orientation, but we could expand significantly beyond these boundaries.
The behavioral health field must...
Behavioral Healthcare Executive
Mental healthcare patients presenting with increasingly severe symptoms that require an increase in treatment sessions have psychologists facing capacity strains, according to the 2023 Practitioner Pulse Survey.
Mental healthcare patients presenting with increasingly severe symptoms that require an increase in treatment sessions have psychologists facing capacity strains, according to the 2023 Practitioner Pulse Survey.
Mental healthcare patients...
Behavioral Healthcare Executive
Ed Jones, PhD
Behavioral health services are failing to meet the scale and variety of needs found in primary care. While this perception is widely shared in healthcare, little urgency is evident to get to the root of the problem.
Behavioral health services are failing to meet the scale and variety of needs found in primary care. While this perception is widely shared in healthcare, little urgency is evident to get to the root of the problem.
Behavioral health services are...
Behavioral Healthcare Executive
Ron Manderscheid, PhD
As the US population continues to age, the ability of our nation's existing healthcare infrastructure to provide mental healthcare services needed by older adults is being called into question. These shortcomings have significant...
As the US population continues to age, the ability of our nation's existing healthcare infrastructure to provide mental healthcare services needed by older adults is being called into question. These shortcomings have significant...
As the US population continues...
Behavioral Healthcare Executive
Ed Jones, PhD
Many behavioral health tech products are effective without clinician oversight. Yet some argue for inserting professional controls, and consensus is lacking.
Many behavioral health tech products are effective without clinician oversight. Yet some argue for inserting professional controls, and consensus is lacking.
Many behavioral health tech...
Behavioral Healthcare Executive
Take the quiz
Think you know how many US adults said they had a mental illness within the past year, according to the latest National Survey on Drug Use and Health? Take the quiz and find out.
Think you know how many US adults said they had a mental illness within the past year, according to the latest National Survey on Drug Use and Health? Take the quiz and find out.
Think you know how many US...
Behavioral Healthcare Executive
Ed Jones, PhD
Many products that address deficiencies in our healthcare system are valuable, but they often mean “middlemen” are inserting themselves into clinical relationships. Is this the best route for healthcare?
Many products that address deficiencies in our healthcare system are valuable, but they often mean “middlemen” are inserting themselves into clinical relationships. Is this the best route for healthcare?
Many products that address...
Behavioral Healthcare Executive