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Cardiovascular Ambulatory Surgery Centers (ASCs) Topic Center

Cardiovascular Ambulatory Surgery Centers (ASCs)

Cardiovascular ASCs
Ann Honeycutt, MSN, Executive Director of the Virginia Cardiovascular Specialist group, describes her experience building an ASC, the VCS Heart and Vascular Center, that first opened with a focus on electrophysiology and peripheral vascular...
Ann Honeycutt, MSN, Executive Director of the Virginia Cardiovascular Specialist group, describes her experience building an ASC, the VCS Heart and Vascular Center, that first opened with a focus on electrophysiology and peripheral vascular...
Ann Honeycutt, MSN, Executive...
Cath Lab Digest
Amanda Ryan, DO
New Mexico ASC
Amanda Ryan, DO, an interventional cardiologist and owner of Advanced ASC of Carlsbad, New Mexico, shares her experience creating an ambulatory surgery center (ASC).
Amanda Ryan, DO, an interventional cardiologist and owner of Advanced ASC of Carlsbad, New Mexico, shares her experience creating an ambulatory surgery center (ASC).
Amanda Ryan, DO, an...
Cath Lab Digest
Maryland ASC

CLD talks with Eunmee Shim

President, Adventist HealthCare, Fort Washington Medical Center, Fort Washington, Maryland

CLD talks with Eunmee Shim President...
“An ambulatory surgery center will help us take the ambulatory volume out of the hospital, which will then give us capacity to grow inpatient procedures,” says Adventist HealthCare Fort Washington Medical Center President Eunmee Shim.
“An ambulatory surgery center will help us take the ambulatory volume out of the hospital, which will then give us capacity to grow inpatient procedures,” says Adventist HealthCare Fort Washington Medical Center President Eunmee Shim.
“An ambulatory surgery center...
Cath Lab Digest

American College of Cardiology News

American College of Cardiology News ...
The number of cardiac procedures being performed in ambulatory surgery centers has grown significantly in the last decade, leading ACC’s NCDR to create the CV ASC Registry Suite.
The number of cardiac procedures being performed in ambulatory surgery centers has grown significantly in the last decade, leading ACC’s NCDR to create the CV ASC Registry Suite.
The number of cardiac procedures...
Cath Lab Digest
CLD Corazon Figure 1
Out-of-Hospital Care
Providers must develop and integrate an ambulatory strategy into their overarching cardiovascular strategic plan, whether through joint ventures, acquisition, or other alignment structures with existing ASCs, or through investment into their...
Providers must develop and integrate an ambulatory strategy into their overarching cardiovascular strategic plan, whether through joint ventures, acquisition, or other alignment structures with existing ASCs, or through investment into their...
Providers must develop and...
Cath Lab Digest
Marc Toth
ASC Considerations
It is anticipated that by 2030, 82% of all outpatient cardiovascular procedures will be appropriate for migration from the hospital to an ambulatory surgery center (ASC).(1) What will that ASC look like?
It is anticipated that by 2030, 82% of all outpatient cardiovascular procedures will be appropriate for migration from the hospital to an ambulatory surgery center (ASC).(1) What will that ASC look like?
It is anticipated that by 2030,...
Cath Lab Digest
Cardiovascular Service Line
Once these cardiovascular procedures move to the OBL and/or ASC, it is unlikely that they will move back into the acute care setting. How will your organization be part of the change? 
Once these cardiovascular procedures move to the OBL and/or ASC, it is unlikely that they will move back into the acute care setting. How will your organization be part of the change? 
Once these cardiovascular...
Cath Lab Digest
Out-of-Hospital Care
Ambulatory surgical centers (ASCs) can be both an innovation and value-based care tool. It is a way for us to enter new markets and align with desirable cardiologists, both employed and independent.
Ambulatory surgical centers (ASCs) can be both an innovation and value-based care tool. It is a way for us to enter new markets and align with desirable cardiologists, both employed and independent.
Ambulatory surgical centers...
Cath Lab Digest
Cardiovascular Service Line
Lorraine Buck, MBA, MSN, RN, Vice President, Corazon, Inc.
Lorraine Buck, MBA, MSN, RN, Vice President, Corazon, Inc.
Lorraine Buck, MBA, MSN, RN,...
Cath Lab Digest
Sarang Mangalmurti, MD
Sarang Mangalmurti, MD, shares his experience opening an ambulatory surgical center (ASC) and how he expanded it to include a cardiac service line. Sponsored by Philips OBL and ASC Solutions, SymphonySuite.
Sarang Mangalmurti, MD, shares his experience opening an ambulatory surgical center (ASC) and how he expanded it to include a cardiac service line. Sponsored by Philips OBL and ASC Solutions, SymphonySuite.
Sarang Mangalmurti, MD, shares...
Cath Lab Digest

Philips press release

Philips press release
“Philips is committed to expanding access to care through its innovative solutions and BIOTRONIK’s alliance adds additional devices, including a cardiac rhythm management portfolio, to SymphonySuite,” said Chris DeCarolis, Head of Procedural...
“Philips is committed to expanding access to care through its innovative solutions and BIOTRONIK’s alliance adds additional devices, including a cardiac rhythm management portfolio, to SymphonySuite,” said Chris DeCarolis, Head of Procedural...
“Philips is committed to...
Cath Lab Digest

Learn More

Marc Toth
ASC Considerations
It is anticipated that by 2030, 82% of all outpatient cardiovascular procedures will be appropriate for migration from the hospital to an ambulatory surgery center (ASC).(1) What will that ASC look like?
It is anticipated that by 2030, 82% of all outpatient cardiovascular procedures will be appropriate for migration from the hospital to an ambulatory surgery center (ASC).(1) What will that ASC look like?
It is anticipated that by 2030,...
Cath Lab Digest
Out-of-Hospital Care
As the demand for cost-effective and high-quality healthcare rises, cardiovascular ambulatory surgery centers (ASCs) are gaining popularity. Payers recognize the potential for financial benefits by conducting cardiovascular procedures in ASC...
As the demand for cost-effective and high-quality healthcare rises, cardiovascular ambulatory surgery centers (ASCs) are gaining popularity. Payers recognize the potential for financial benefits by conducting cardiovascular procedures in ASC...
As the demand for cost-effective...
Cath Lab Digest
CLD ASC Overview
Info Overview
Cath Lab Digest
CLD out of hospital setting facts & figures
Facts & Figures

Philips OBL and ASC Solutions – SymphonySuite 

To learn more, visit

Philips OBL and ASC Solutions – Symph...
More procedures are moving to out-of-hospital care settings, such as office-based labs (OBLs), ambulatory surgery centers (ASCs), or outpatient hospital centers. Learn more about the differences and current status of OBLs and ASCs.
More procedures are moving to out-of-hospital care settings, such as office-based labs (OBLs), ambulatory surgery centers (ASCs), or outpatient hospital centers. Learn more about the differences and current status of OBLs and ASCs.
More procedures are moving to...
Cath Lab Digest
Peripheral Intervention
The authors review demographic and clinical characteristics, and short-intermediate term outcomes of patients presenting to a safety-net hospital with peripheral arterial disease treated with directional atherectomy and drug-coated balloon...
The authors review demographic and clinical characteristics, and short-intermediate term outcomes of patients presenting to a safety-net hospital with peripheral arterial disease treated with directional atherectomy and drug-coated balloon...
The authors review demographic...
Cath Lab Digest
Brief Communication

Deniz Mutlu, MD; Athanasios Rempakos, MD; Michaella Alexandrou, MD; Ahmed Al-Ogaili, MD; Bavana V. Rangan, BDS, MPH; Olga C. Mastrodemos, BA; Yader Sandoval, MD; M. Nicholas Burke, MD; Emmanouil S. Brilakis, MD, PhD

Deniz Mutlu, MD; Athanasios Rempakos,...
The authors examined the contemporary trends and determinants of radiation dose in the PROGRESS CTO registry.
The authors examined the contemporary trends and determinants of radiation dose in the PROGRESS CTO registry.
The authors examined the...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
Marc Toth
ASC Considerations
It is anticipated that by 2030, 82% of all outpatient cardiovascular procedures will be appropriate for migration from the hospital to an ambulatory surgery center (ASC).(1) What will that ASC look like?
It is anticipated that by 2030, 82% of all outpatient cardiovascular procedures will be appropriate for migration from the hospital to an ambulatory surgery center (ASC).(1) What will that ASC look like?
It is anticipated that by 2030,...
Cath Lab Digest
Transradial Hemostasis
The authors describe an in-house study of their new practice standard, as prescribed by the RAVE trial, which combines a hemostasis pad (SoftSeal-STF [Chitogen]) with short-term use of a radial compression device to achieve hemostasis in a...
The authors describe an in-house study of their new practice standard, as prescribed by the RAVE trial, which combines a hemostasis pad (SoftSeal-STF [Chitogen]) with short-term use of a radial compression device to achieve hemostasis in a...
The authors describe an in-house...
Cath Lab Digest
New Technology
This year’s TCT Shark Tank Innovation Competition featured six companies presenting their technologies, chosen from over 50 submissions. TCT partnered with the Jon DeHaan Foundation to provide a $200,000 award to the 2023 competition winner,...
This year’s TCT Shark Tank Innovation Competition featured six companies presenting their technologies, chosen from over 50 submissions. TCT partnered with the Jon DeHaan Foundation to provide a $200,000 award to the 2023 competition winner,...
This year’s TCT Shark Tank...
Cath Lab Digest
Technical Review
Even though crossing aortic valves isn’t a lost art, crossing may be more difficult for novice operators because of a lack of everyday practice in the cath lab.
Even though crossing aortic valves isn’t a lost art, crossing may be more difficult for novice operators because of a lack of everyday practice in the cath lab.
Even though crossing aortic...
Cath Lab Digest
Original Contribution
A systematic review and meta-analysis of the scientific literature was conducted to identify randomized controlled trials comparing dTRA with TRA.
A systematic review and meta-analysis of the scientific literature was conducted to identify randomized controlled trials comparing dTRA with TRA.
A systematic review and...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
Original Contribution
Temporal trends in prevalence of significant CAD (history of myocardial infarction or coronary revascularizations) in hospitalizations for CLTI were determined using the 2000 to 2018 National Inpatient Sample (NIS) database. A multivariable...
Temporal trends in prevalence of significant CAD (history of myocardial infarction or coronary revascularizations) in hospitalizations for CLTI were determined using the 2000 to 2018 National Inpatient Sample (NIS) database. A multivariable...
Temporal trends in prevalence of...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
Imaging Education
The burden of coronary artery disease is steadily increasing in the general population, due to an aging comorbid population and increase in disease complexity at the vessel level. To address this, new technologies, techniques, and...
The burden of coronary artery disease is steadily increasing in the general population, due to an aging comorbid population and increase in disease complexity at the vessel level. To address this, new technologies, techniques, and...
The burden of coronary artery...
Cath Lab Digest
Imaging Systems
Dr. Vijay Iyer discusses the value provided by the lab’s ARTIS icono imaging system (Siemens Healthineers).
Dr. Vijay Iyer discusses the value provided by the lab’s ARTIS icono imaging system (Siemens Healthineers).
Dr. Vijay Iyer discusses the...
Cath Lab Digest