The Impact of Pediatric Plaque Psoriasis on Children and Caregivers

According to a study published in the Indian Journal of Dermatology, Venereology and Leprology, childhood psoriasis has a negative impact on the quality of life (QoL) of the children and caregivers, stressing the need for intervention strategies for both.

Researchers aimed to evaluate the impact of childhood and adolescent chronic plaque psoriasis on the QoL of parents and caregivers. A single-center, cross-sectional study was conducted, involving 102 children with psoriasis and their respective caregivers. Data on the children's clinical and demographic characteristics were collected, along with socio-demographic details of the primary caregivers. Additionally, out-of-pocket expenditure for treatment was calculated for all patients.

The results revealed that the QoL of children, assessed using the Children's Dermatology Life Quality Index (CDLQI), was impaired in 85.29% of cases, with the most affected aspects being symptoms, self-consciousness, and treatment. For caregivers, the Family Dermatology Life Quality Index (FDLQI) indicated impairment in 96.1% of cases, with emotional well-being and time spent as the most affected aspects.

Furthermore, approximately 40% of patients experienced catastrophic health expenditure (CHE), and caregivers in these cases had significantly higher FDLQI scores compared to those without CHE. The study also found a positive relationship between FDLQI scores and factors such as the involvement of exposed body sites, CDLQI scores, and treatment expenses, whereas a negative correlation was observed with the duration of illness.

In conclusion, childhood psoriasis negatively impacts the QoL of both children and their caregivers. The findings underscore the importance of implementing intervention strategies to address the QoL challenges faced by both groups.

Bhandari A, Narang T, Panjiyar R, Dogra S, Handa S. Assessing the impact of childhood and adolescent chronic plaque psoriasis on parents/caregivers using the Family Dermatology Life Quality Index (FDLQI): a cross-sectional study. Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol. Published online March 19, 2024. doi:10.25259/IJDVL_631_2023