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Patient-Focus Group Offers New Funding Opportunities

The Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) recently announced several new funding opportunities. The initial announcements are summarized below, and full funding information is expected to become available on August 6.

Improving Healthcare Systems

PCORI is seeking applications to study the comparative effectiveness of alternative features of healthcare systems (e.g., innovative technologies, personnel deployments, incentives, service designs) designed to optimize the quality, outcomes and/or efficiency of care for the patients they serve. Healthcare systems include private and public health insurance plans; physician groups; hospitals, nursing homes and assisted-living facilities; academic medical centers; integrated delivery systems; community-based and safety-net clinics; federal, state and municipal providers; and other entities organized to deliver, arrange, purchase or coordinate healthcare services.

PCORI seeks studies that will provide information of value to patients, their caregivers and clinicians, as well as to healthcare leaders, regarding which features of systems lead to better patient-centered outcomes. The full announcement for this funding opportunity is expected to be available on August 6, 2014. A letter of intent is due by September 5. The application deadline is November 4. For more information, see

Communication and Dissemination Research

PCORI seeks to fund projects that address critical knowledge gaps in the communication and dissemination process—both the communication and dissemination of research results to patients, their caregivers and clinicians, as well as the communication between patients, caregivers and clinicians in the service of enabling patients and caregivers to make the best decisions in choosing among available options for care and treatment. The full announcement for this funding opportunity is expected to be available on August 6, 2014. A letter of intent is due by September 5. The application deadline is November 4. For more information, see

Addressing Disparities

PCORI seeks to fund comparative clinical effectiveness research (CER) studies that evaluate and compare new and/or enhanced interventions to reduce or eliminate disparities in health and healthcare. Studies in the Addressing Disparities program should focus on overcoming barriers that may disproportionately affect the outcomes of specific groups of patients or identify best practices for sharing results and information about patient-centered research across patient groups. The full announcement for this funding opportunity is expected to be available on August 6, 2014. A letter of intent is due by September 5. The application deadline is November 4. For more information, see

Information about additional grants is available at