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Great Debates & Updates in Psychiatry Series Basic Listing

Great Debates and Roundtables
Tune in as our speakers discuss the connection between major depressive disorder (MDD) and postpartum depression (PPD) in part 1 of this thought-provoking debate. Jennifer Payne, MD; and Melanie Barrett, MD, engage in a discussion to...
Tune in as our speakers discuss the connection between major depressive disorder (MDD) and postpartum depression (PPD) in part 1 of this thought-provoking debate. Jennifer Payne, MD; and Melanie Barrett, MD, engage in a discussion to...
Tune in as our speakers discuss...
Psych Congress Network
Great Debates and Roundtables
Tune in as our speakers discuss the connection between MDD and PPD in part 2 of this thought-provoking debate. Jennifer Payne, MD; and Melanie Barrett, MD, engage in a discussion to determine how these two conditions influence each other.
Tune in as our speakers discuss the connection between MDD and PPD in part 2 of this thought-provoking debate. Jennifer Payne, MD; and Melanie Barrett, MD, engage in a discussion to determine how these two conditions influence each other.
Tune in as our speakers discuss...
Psych Congress Network
Debates and Roundtables
Watch as our experts discuss postpartum depression (PPD) in this engaging debate. Nicole Cirino, MD, and Melanie Barrett, MD, share their thoughts on the time frame in which PPD should be classified and why it is important.
Watch as our experts discuss postpartum depression (PPD) in this engaging debate. Nicole Cirino, MD, and Melanie Barrett, MD, share their thoughts on the time frame in which PPD should be classified and why it is important.
Watch as our experts discuss...
Psych Congress Network
GD#5 KOL Image
Debates and Roundtables
Watch as our experts discuss major depressive disorder (MDD) in this debate moderated by Nurse Practitioner Brooke Kempf. Nurse Practitioners Tina Matthews-Hayes and Desiree Matthews discuss the best approach to MDD treatment.
Watch as our experts discuss major depressive disorder (MDD) in this debate moderated by Nurse Practitioner Brooke Kempf. Nurse Practitioners Tina Matthews-Hayes and Desiree Matthews discuss the best approach to MDD treatment.
Watch as our experts discuss...
Psych Congress Network
Debates and Roundtables
Listen to our expert speakers discuss major depressive disorder (MDD) in this engaging debate. Dr Michael Banov and Dr Michael Measom share their points of view on the role of antidepressants in the treatment of MDD.
Listen to our expert speakers discuss major depressive disorder (MDD) in this engaging debate. Dr Michael Banov and Dr Michael Measom share their points of view on the role of antidepressants in the treatment of MDD.
Listen to our expert speakers...
Psych Congress Network
Debates and Roundtables
Watch as our experts discuss postpartum depression (PPD) in this insightful debate. Dr Jennifer Payne presents her case that PPD is a mental health disorder, while Dr Camille Hoffman supports her view that PPD is a maternal health disorder.
Watch as our experts discuss postpartum depression (PPD) in this insightful debate. Dr Jennifer Payne presents her case that PPD is a mental health disorder, while Dr Camille Hoffman supports her view that PPD is a maternal health disorder.
Watch as our experts discuss...
Psych Congress Network
Debates and Roundtables
In this debate moderated by Dr Charles Raison, Dr Vladimir Maletic and Dr Michael Thase discuss whether major depressive disorder (MDD) should be classified as a chronic or episodic condition.
In this debate moderated by Dr Charles Raison, Dr Vladimir Maletic and Dr Michael Thase discuss whether major depressive disorder (MDD) should be classified as a chronic or episodic condition.
In this debate moderated by Dr...
Psych Congress Network