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Suicide Topic Center

Increase in Suicidality Associated With FDA Black Box Warning Implementation
Black box warnings on antidepressants from the FDA warning of increased risk of suicidality were associated with a decline in mental health treatment and an increase in suicide attempts and deaths in young people, according to a systematic...
Black box warnings on antidepressants from the FDA warning of increased risk of suicidality were associated with a decline in mental health treatment and an increase in suicide attempts and deaths in young people, according to a systematic...
Black box warnings on...
Psych Congress Network
A depressed teen rides the bus and looks at a smartphone in their hand
Teens with depression who were screened in primary care had higher odds of responding “not at all” to a question about thoughts of death or self-harm in the days and weeks before a self-harm event or death by suicide.
Teens with depression who were screened in primary care had higher odds of responding “not at all” to a question about thoughts of death or self-harm in the days and weeks before a self-harm event or death by suicide.
Teens with depression who were...
Psych Congress Network
Do you remember this FDA update?
Do you remember this FDA update?
Do you remember this FDA update?
Psych Congress Network
$52.5 Million Awarded in Federal Grants for Veteran Suicide Prevention
In a recent press release, the US Department of Veterans Affairs announced it would award $52.5 million in grants to community-based organizations that provide or coordinate suicide prevention services for veterans and their families.
In a recent press release, the US Department of Veterans Affairs announced it would award $52.5 million in grants to community-based organizations that provide or coordinate suicide prevention services for veterans and their families.
In a recent press release, the...
Psych Congress Network
The FDA's preliminary evaluation of GLP-1 RAs found no evidence that the medications cause suicidal drugs or actions but cautions that a small risk cannot yet be ruled out.
The FDA's preliminary evaluation of GLP-1 RAs found no evidence that the medications cause suicidal drugs or actions but cautions that a small risk cannot yet be ruled out.
The FDA's preliminary evaluation...
Psych Congress Network
Illustration two profiles with brains
Psychiatric hospitalization may reduce the number of additional suicide attempts (SA) in the immediate aftermath of an SA, but not for other recent SAs or suicide ideation (SI) alone.
Psychiatric hospitalization may reduce the number of additional suicide attempts (SA) in the immediate aftermath of an SA, but not for other recent SAs or suicide ideation (SI) alone.
Psychiatric hospitalization may...
Psych Congress Network
Teens with Headaches Report Increased Rates of Bullying, Suicidality
Adolescents who have been bullied or who have considered or attempted suicide may be more likely to experience headaches than their peers, according to study results published in Neurology.
Adolescents who have been bullied or who have considered or attempted suicide may be more likely to experience headaches than their peers, according to study results published in Neurology.
Adolescents who have been...
From Neurology
Elevated cognitive rumination was associated with suicidal ideation in adolescents with depression, according to findings published in the Journal of Affective Disorders
Elevated cognitive rumination was associated with suicidal ideation in adolescents with depression, according to findings published in the Journal of Affective Disorders
Elevated cognitive rumination...
Psych Congress Network
Dr Jody Russon
In this clip from Psych Congress 2022 in New Orleans, Louisiana, Jody Russon, PhD, discusses the theories that can help clinicians better understand the concern of suicide in the LGBTQIA+ community.
In this clip from Psych Congress 2022 in New Orleans, Louisiana, Jody Russon, PhD, discusses the theories that can help clinicians better understand the concern of suicide in the LGBTQIA+ community.
In this clip from Psych Congress...
Psych Congress Network
This first-of-its-kind study identifies contextual circumstances that may contribute to North America’s rising suicide rates. 
This first-of-its-kind study identifies contextual circumstances that may contribute to North America’s rising suicide rates. 
This first-of-its-kind study...
Psych Congress Network
A comparison of the Ask Suicide-Screening Questions (ASQ) and the Computerized Adaptive Screen for Suicidal Youth (CASSY) instruments found both tools showed strong predictive validity in predicting suicide attempts in adolescents.
A comparison of the Ask Suicide-Screening Questions (ASQ) and the Computerized Adaptive Screen for Suicidal Youth (CASSY) instruments found both tools showed strong predictive validity in predicting suicide attempts in adolescents.
A comparison of the Ask...
Psych Congress Network

News Articles

Increase in Suicidality Associated With FDA Black Box Warning Implementation
Black box warnings on antidepressants from the FDA warning of increased risk of suicidality were associated with a decline in mental health treatment and an increase in suicide attempts and deaths in young people, according to a systematic...
Black box warnings on antidepressants from the FDA warning of increased risk of suicidality were associated with a decline in mental health treatment and an increase in suicide attempts and deaths in young people, according to a systematic...
Black box warnings on...
Psych Congress Network
A depressed teen rides the bus and looks at a smartphone in their hand
Teens with depression who were screened in primary care had higher odds of responding “not at all” to a question about thoughts of death or self-harm in the days and weeks before a self-harm event or death by suicide.
Teens with depression who were screened in primary care had higher odds of responding “not at all” to a question about thoughts of death or self-harm in the days and weeks before a self-harm event or death by suicide.
Teens with depression who were...
Psych Congress Network
$52.5 Million Awarded in Federal Grants for Veteran Suicide Prevention
In a recent press release, the US Department of Veterans Affairs announced it would award $52.5 million in grants to community-based organizations that provide or coordinate suicide prevention services for veterans and their families.
In a recent press release, the US Department of Veterans Affairs announced it would award $52.5 million in grants to community-based organizations that provide or coordinate suicide prevention services for veterans and their families.
In a recent press release, the...
Psych Congress Network
The FDA's preliminary evaluation of GLP-1 RAs found no evidence that the medications cause suicidal drugs or actions but cautions that a small risk cannot yet be ruled out.
The FDA's preliminary evaluation of GLP-1 RAs found no evidence that the medications cause suicidal drugs or actions but cautions that a small risk cannot yet be ruled out.
The FDA's preliminary evaluation...
Psych Congress Network
Illustration two profiles with brains
Psychiatric hospitalization may reduce the number of additional suicide attempts (SA) in the immediate aftermath of an SA, but not for other recent SAs or suicide ideation (SI) alone.
Psychiatric hospitalization may reduce the number of additional suicide attempts (SA) in the immediate aftermath of an SA, but not for other recent SAs or suicide ideation (SI) alone.
Psychiatric hospitalization may...
Psych Congress Network
Teens with Headaches Report Increased Rates of Bullying, Suicidality
Adolescents who have been bullied or who have considered or attempted suicide may be more likely to experience headaches than their peers, according to study results published in Neurology.
Adolescents who have been bullied or who have considered or attempted suicide may be more likely to experience headaches than their peers, according to study results published in Neurology.
Adolescents who have been...
Elevated cognitive rumination was associated with suicidal ideation in adolescents with depression, according to findings published in the Journal of Affective Disorders
Elevated cognitive rumination was associated with suicidal ideation in adolescents with depression, according to findings published in the Journal of Affective Disorders
Elevated cognitive rumination...
Psych Congress Network
This first-of-its-kind study identifies contextual circumstances that may contribute to North America’s rising suicide rates. 
This first-of-its-kind study identifies contextual circumstances that may contribute to North America’s rising suicide rates. 
This first-of-its-kind study...
Psych Congress Network
A comparison of the Ask Suicide-Screening Questions (ASQ) and the Computerized Adaptive Screen for Suicidal Youth (CASSY) instruments found both tools showed strong predictive validity in predicting suicide attempts in adolescents.
A comparison of the Ask Suicide-Screening Questions (ASQ) and the Computerized Adaptive Screen for Suicidal Youth (CASSY) instruments found both tools showed strong predictive validity in predicting suicide attempts in adolescents.
A comparison of the Ask...
Psych Congress Network
Suicidal behavior and ideation increasing, particularly in older children and boys.
Suicidal behavior and ideation increasing, particularly in older children and boys.
Suicidal behavior and ideation...
Psych Congress Network
Buprenorphine With Naloxone May Be Safe During Pregnancy for OUD Treatment
When compared to buprenorphine alone, buprenorphine with naloxone during pregnancy may also be a safe treatment option for patients with opioid use disorder (OUD), according to results from a population-based cohort study published in JAMA. 
When compared to buprenorphine alone, buprenorphine with naloxone during pregnancy may also be a safe treatment option for patients with opioid use disorder (OUD), according to results from a population-based cohort study published in JAMA. 
When compared to buprenorphine...
Psych Congress Network
A person holds a cannabis joint in their hands
A lifetime history of heavy cannabis use in young adults was associated with lower brain activation during a working memory task, according to a study in JAMA Network Open
A lifetime history of heavy cannabis use in young adults was associated with lower brain activation during a working memory task, according to a study in JAMA Network Open
A lifetime history of heavy...
Methylphenidate Improved Driving Performance in Adults
Methylphenidate improved driving performance in adults by reducing lane weaving and speed variation, according to results from a recent randomized controlled trial published in the Journal of Psychopharmacology. 
Methylphenidate improved driving performance in adults by reducing lane weaving and speed variation, according to results from a recent randomized controlled trial published in the Journal of Psychopharmacology. 
Methylphenidate improved driving...
Psych Congress Network
A recent study published in JAMA Network Open highlights the financial benefits of employer-sponsored behavioral health programs, demonstrating that these programs can result in significant net medical costs savings.
A recent study published in JAMA Network Open highlights the financial benefits of employer-sponsored behavioral health programs, demonstrating that these programs can result in significant net medical costs savings.
A recent study published in JAMA...
First Report Managed Care
A woman holds her forehead looking stressed
Elevated translocator protein (TSPO) binding, a marker of neuroinflammatory processes, was associated with more pronounced daily suicidal ideation and negative affect during real-world stress in patients with major depressive disorder (MDD).
Elevated translocator protein (TSPO) binding, a marker of neuroinflammatory processes, was associated with more pronounced daily suicidal ideation and negative affect during real-world stress in patients with major depressive disorder (MDD).
Elevated translocator protein...
Psych Congress Network
Drug Overdose Deaths Overall Decrease from 2022 to 2023
A recent report from the National Center for Health Statistics found many decreases in drug overdose deaths between 2022 and 2023, though certain subsections remained stable or increased year over year, according to the CDC and the National...
A recent report from the National Center for Health Statistics found many decreases in drug overdose deaths between 2022 and 2023, though certain subsections remained stable or increased year over year, according to the CDC and the National...
A recent report from the...
Psych Congress Network
FDA building
The FDA has approved a supplemental biologics license application for lecanemab-irmb (Leqembi, Eisai Co., Ltd.; Biogen Inc.), an intravenous treatment (IV) for early Alzheimer disease (AD).
The FDA has approved a supplemental biologics license application for lecanemab-irmb (Leqembi, Eisai Co., Ltd.; Biogen Inc.), an intravenous treatment (IV) for early Alzheimer disease (AD).
The FDA has approved a...
Psych Congress Network
Brexpiprazole and Sertraline Combination Treatment Improves PTSD Symptoms
Combining brexpiprazole and sertraline in treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) significantly improved PTSD symptoms when compared with sertraline and placebo treatment, according to results from a randomized clinical trial...
Combining brexpiprazole and sertraline in treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) significantly improved PTSD symptoms when compared with sertraline and placebo treatment, according to results from a randomized clinical trial...
Combining brexpiprazole and...
Psych Congress Network
IED Linked With Multiple Psychiatric, Neurologic Comorbidities
Intermittent explosive disorder (IED) was found to have many comorbidities, including substance use disorder, neurodegenerative diseases, sleep disorders, and many somatic diseases, according to a recent cohort study published in JAMA...
Intermittent explosive disorder (IED) was found to have many comorbidities, including substance use disorder, neurodegenerative diseases, sleep disorders, and many somatic diseases, according to a recent cohort study published in JAMA...
Intermittent explosive disorder...
Psych Congress Network
ADHD Symptoms Associated With Lower Academic Performance in College Students
Symptoms of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) were associated with a lower academic performance in college students, especially those with inattention symptoms, according to a recent systematic review published in the Journal of...
Symptoms of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) were associated with a lower academic performance in college students, especially those with inattention symptoms, according to a recent systematic review published in the Journal of...
Symptoms of...
Psych Congress Network


Dr Jody Russon
In this clip from Psych Congress 2022 in New Orleans, Louisiana, Jody Russon, PhD, discusses the theories that can help clinicians better understand the concern of suicide in the LGBTQIA+ community.
In this clip from Psych Congress 2022 in New Orleans, Louisiana, Jody Russon, PhD, discusses the theories that can help clinicians better understand the concern of suicide in the LGBTQIA+ community.
In this clip from Psych Congress...
Psych Congress Network
balfour and winsky
In the conclusion of this 3-part video, Margaret (Margie) E. Balfour, MD, PhD, and Sergeant Jason Winsky, BA, discuss tips for family members and clinicians during a mental health crisis and the upcoming 988 hotline launching July, 2022.
In the conclusion of this 3-part video, Margaret (Margie) E. Balfour, MD, PhD, and Sergeant Jason Winsky, BA, discuss tips for family members and clinicians during a mental health crisis and the upcoming 988 hotline launching July, 2022.
In the conclusion of this 3-part...
Psych Congress Network
Reclaiming Nurses Week
Watch our final video of the series, Reclaiming Nurses Week Part 5: An Open Letter to Our Nurses.
Watch our final video of the series, Reclaiming Nurses Week Part 5: An Open Letter to Our Nurses.
Watch our final video of the...
Psych Congress Network
Reclaiming Nurses Week
Reclaiming Nurses Week Part 4: Nurses Mental Health. Hear the stories of stigma surrounding asking for help.
Reclaiming Nurses Week Part 4: Nurses Mental Health. Hear the stories of stigma surrounding asking for help.
Reclaiming Nurses Week Part 4:...
Psych Congress Network
Reclaiming Nurses Week
In this installment of Reclaiming Nurses Week, we address The Solution. Nurses share the changes that need to be made and the resources that are currently available.
In this installment of Reclaiming Nurses Week, we address The Solution. Nurses share the changes that need to be made and the resources that are currently available.
In this installment of...
Psych Congress Network
Reclaiming Nurses Week
In Part 2 of this video series, Reclaiming Nurses Week, we hear about The Cause as nurses share the reasons behind their mental health struggles.
In Part 2 of this video series, Reclaiming Nurses Week, we hear about The Cause as nurses share the reasons behind their mental health struggles.
In Part 2 of this video series,...
Psych Congress Network
Reclaiming Nurses Week
Reclaiming Nurses Week Part 1: The Problem. Stories from our nurses identifying the impact of burnout on their mental health.
Reclaiming Nurses Week Part 1: The Problem. Stories from our nurses identifying the impact of burnout on their mental health.
Reclaiming Nurses Week Part 1:...
Psych Congress Network
Dr King
In the conclusion of this video series, Cheryl King, PhD, professor in the Departments of Psychiatry and Psychology and Director of the Youth Depression and Suicide Prevention Program at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, discusses the...
In the conclusion of this video series, Cheryl King, PhD, professor in the Departments of Psychiatry and Psychology and Director of the Youth Depression and Suicide Prevention Program at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, discusses the...
In the conclusion of this video...
Psych Congress Network
Dr King
Cheryl King, PhD, discusses the acceptability to both parents and youth for this screening tool, next steps in implementation, as well as the stigma of suicidal ideation in youth.
Cheryl King, PhD, discusses the acceptability to both parents and youth for this screening tool, next steps in implementation, as well as the stigma of suicidal ideation in youth.
Cheryl King, PhD, discusses the...
Psych Congress Network
Dr King
Cheryl King, PhD, discusses the studies that determined the validity and accuracy of the CASSY suicide screening tool.
Cheryl King, PhD, discusses the studies that determined the validity and accuracy of the CASSY suicide screening tool.
Cheryl King, PhD, discusses the...
Psych Congress Network
Steven Chan, MD, MBA, FAPA, FAMIA
In this video, Steven Chan, MD, MBA, FAPA, FAMIA, Psych Congress Steering Committee, explains some of the barriers that virtual clinicians should anticipate when weighing digital therapeutic options for major depressive disorder (MDD)...
In this video, Steven Chan, MD, MBA, FAPA, FAMIA, Psych Congress Steering Committee, explains some of the barriers that virtual clinicians should anticipate when weighing digital therapeutic options for major depressive disorder (MDD)...
In this video, Steven Chan, MD,...
Psych Congress Network
Steven Chan, MD, MBA, FAPA, FAMIA
Steven Chan, MD, MBA, FAPA, FAMIA, explains how telehealth providers can explore and adopt digital therapeutics for their virtual practices.
Steven Chan, MD, MBA, FAPA, FAMIA, explains how telehealth providers can explore and adopt digital therapeutics for their virtual practices.
Steven Chan, MD, MBA, FAPA,...
Psych Congress Network
Brooke Kempf, PMHNP-BC
What role do long-acting injectables (LAIs) play in improving long-term outcomes for patients with schizophrenia? In this discussion, Brooke Kempf, PMHNP-BC, highlights the benefits of early LAI initiation, from reducing relapse rates and...
What role do long-acting injectables (LAIs) play in improving long-term outcomes for patients with schizophrenia? In this discussion, Brooke Kempf, PMHNP-BC, highlights the benefits of early LAI initiation, from reducing relapse rates and...
What role do long-acting...
Psych Congress Network
Edward Kaftarian, MD.
Edward Kaftarian, MD, shares his insights on the clinical, legal, and technological factors that impact virtual care for SUD.
Edward Kaftarian, MD, shares his insights on the clinical, legal, and technological factors that impact virtual care for SUD.
Edward Kaftarian, MD, shares...
Psych Congress Network
Brooke Kempf
Kempf emphasizes the power of patient education, addressing myths, and involving families to ease the daily medication burden. 
Kempf emphasizes the power of patient education, addressing myths, and involving families to ease the daily medication burden. 
Kempf emphasizes the power of...
Psych Congress Network
Desiree Matthews, PMHNP-BC, CEO
In this video, Desiree Matthews, PMHNP-BC, discusses how to navigate insurance policies when treating tardive dyskinesia.
In this video, Desiree Matthews, PMHNP-BC, discusses how to navigate insurance policies when treating tardive dyskinesia.
In this video, Desiree Matthews,...
Psych Congress Network
Desiree Matthews, PMHNP-BC, CEO
In this video, Desiree Matthews, PMHNP-BC, discusses how to navigate insurance policies when treating tardive dyskinesia.
In this video, Desiree Matthews, PMHNP-BC, discusses how to navigate insurance policies when treating tardive dyskinesia.
In this video, Desiree Matthews,...
Psych Congress Network
Andrew Penn, PMHNP-BC
In this video, Andrew Penn, PMHNP-BC, NP, CNS, MS, RN offers some key clinical takeaways from his session on deprescribing and how it even has a place when treating patients living with serious mental illness like schizophrenia.
In this video, Andrew Penn, PMHNP-BC, NP, CNS, MS, RN offers some key clinical takeaways from his session on deprescribing and how it even has a place when treating patients living with serious mental illness like schizophrenia.
In this video, Andrew Penn,...
Psych Congress Network
Rebecca Barbee, MSPAS, PA-C, CAQ-Psych
Rebecca Barbee, MSPAS, PA-C, CAQ-Psych, explains the differences between dystonia, akathisia, drug-induced Parkinsonism, and tardive dyskinesia, as well as the different management approaches for each.
Rebecca Barbee, MSPAS, PA-C, CAQ-Psych, explains the differences between dystonia, akathisia, drug-induced Parkinsonism, and tardive dyskinesia, as well as the different management approaches for each.
Rebecca Barbee, MSPAS, PA-C,...
Psych Congress Network
Edward Kaftarian, MD.
Edward Kaftarian, MD, offers some practical tips for maintaining regulatory compliance while managing a busy telehealth practice.
Edward Kaftarian, MD, offers some practical tips for maintaining regulatory compliance while managing a busy telehealth practice.
Edward Kaftarian, MD, offers...
Psych Congress Network


Michael Myers
Michael Myers, MD, reflects on National Physician Suicide Awareness Day.
Michael Myers, MD, reflects on National Physician Suicide Awareness Day.
Michael Myers, MD, reflects on...
Psych Congress Network
BLOG: I have kept all the files of my patients who have died by suicide [including] ones under my care when they died & those who were no longer my patients when they took their lives.
BLOG: I have kept all the files of my patients who have died by suicide [including] ones under my care when they died & those who were no longer my patients when they took their lives.
BLOG: I have kept all the files...
Psych Congress Network
BLOG: National Physician Suicide Awareness Day is a day of reflection and pause, a day to remember physicians who have taken their own lives. It is also a day of hope and collaboration, people coming together with ideas and energy to make a...
BLOG: National Physician Suicide Awareness Day is a day of reflection and pause, a day to remember physicians who have taken their own lives. It is also a day of hope and collaboration, people coming together with ideas and energy to make a...
BLOG: National Physician Suicide...
Psych Congress Network
BLOG: Retired California urologist William Lynes, MD, has shared the story of his psychiatric illness and suicide attempt in publications and in lectures and believes the results are all positive.
BLOG: Retired California urologist William Lynes, MD, has shared the story of his psychiatric illness and suicide attempt in publications and in lectures and believes the results are all positive.
BLOG: Retired California...
Psych Congress Network
BLOG: Like most survivors of suicide loss, Dr. Sangeeta Mahajan does not want her son to have died in vain. His life was cut short by the rapid onset of a crippling mood disorder.
BLOG: Like most survivors of suicide loss, Dr. Sangeeta Mahajan does not want her son to have died in vain. His life was cut short by the rapid onset of a crippling mood disorder.
BLOG: Like most survivors of...
Psych Congress Network
Michael Myers
BLOG: September 17, 2019 was the second annual National Physician Suicide Awareness Day, a day to commemorate colleagues lost to suicide and raise awareness about the issue.
BLOG: September 17, 2019 was the second annual National Physician Suicide Awareness Day, a day to commemorate colleagues lost to suicide and raise awareness about the issue.
BLOG: September 17, 2019 was the...
Psych Congress Network
BLOG: I recently had a chance to speak to State University of New York (SUNY) Downstate’s incoming residents and fellows about well-being and self-care.
BLOG: I recently had a chance to speak to State University of New York (SUNY) Downstate’s incoming residents and fellows about well-being and self-care.
BLOG: I recently had a chance to...
Psych Congress Network
BLOG: This is a dispatch from Down Under. I’ve been here lecturing for the past couple of weeks on physician health and suicide prevention. On May 31, I was a panelist on the 2019 launch of the CrazySocks4Docs event at the Peter MacCallum...
BLOG: This is a dispatch from Down Under. I’ve been here lecturing for the past couple of weeks on physician health and suicide prevention. On May 31, I was a panelist on the 2019 launch of the CrazySocks4Docs event at the Peter MacCallum...
BLOG: This is a dispatch from...
Psych Congress Network
BLOG: I got an invitation a few months ago to give a Grand Rounds at a medical school that had suffered the loss of a resident to suicide. But before accepting, I was told there was a catch.
BLOG: I got an invitation a few months ago to give a Grand Rounds at a medical school that had suffered the loss of a resident to suicide. But before accepting, I was told there was a catch.
BLOG: I got an invitation a few...
Psych Congress Network
BLOG: After my plenary lecture at the International Practitioner Health Summit “The Wounded Healer” in London last October, I was invited to sit in on a bereavement group which was meeting at the conference site.
BLOG: After my plenary lecture at the International Practitioner Health Summit “The Wounded Healer” in London last October, I was invited to sit in on a bereavement group which was meeting at the conference site.
BLOG: After my plenary lecture...
Psych Congress Network
marc agronin md
In this highly anticipated sequel to his 2022 blog, Marc Agronin, MD, geriatric psychiatry section editor at Psych Congress Network, offers deeper expert clinical insights on Alzheimer disease prevention.
In this highly anticipated sequel to his 2022 blog, Marc Agronin, MD, geriatric psychiatry section editor at Psych Congress Network, offers deeper expert clinical insights on Alzheimer disease prevention.
In this highly anticipated...
Psych Congress Network
Rakesh Amin, MD.
Rakesh Amin, MD, discusses the importance of partnering with patients and caregivers to set treatment goals and the importance of introducing long-acting injectables earlier in the treatment of schizophrenia.
Rakesh Amin, MD, discusses the importance of partnering with patients and caregivers to set treatment goals and the importance of introducing long-acting injectables earlier in the treatment of schizophrenia.
Rakesh Amin, MD, discusses the...
Psych Congress Network
Marc Agronin, MD.
Psych Congress Network Section Editor Mark Agronin, MD, provides expert clinical insights on reducing the risk for Alzheimer disease and delaying its onset and progression.
Psych Congress Network Section Editor Mark Agronin, MD, provides expert clinical insights on reducing the risk for Alzheimer disease and delaying its onset and progression.
Psych Congress Network Section...
Psych Congress Network
Ed Jones, PhD
Ed Jones, PhD, discusses the need for a clinical refocusing that includes broad access to psychosocial solutions and ensuring socially informed clinicians can help underserved communities.
Ed Jones, PhD, discusses the need for a clinical refocusing that includes broad access to psychosocial solutions and ensuring socially informed clinicians can help underserved communities.
Ed Jones, PhD, discusses the...
Psych Congress Network
Ed Jones, PhD
Ed Jones, PhD: "We miss this psychosocial aspect of care today...What is missing?  We need psychotherapists based in primary care, often focused on mundane issues rather than the complexities of diagnosis or treatment."
Ed Jones, PhD: "We miss this psychosocial aspect of care today...What is missing?  We need psychotherapists based in primary care, often focused on mundane issues rather than the complexities of diagnosis or treatment."
Ed Jones, PhD: "We miss this...
Psych Congress Network
Chan_Khan_Digital Mental Health
Steven Chan, MD, MBA, and Burhan Ahmed Khan, MD, discuss how to encourage patients to use digital mental health apps.
Steven Chan, MD, MBA, and Burhan Ahmed Khan, MD, discuss how to encourage patients to use digital mental health apps.
Steven Chan, MD, MBA, and Burhan...
Psychiatry & Behavioral Health
Chan_Khan_Digital Mental Health
Steven Chan, MD, MBA, and Burhan Ahmed Khan, MD, navigating quality issues with digital mental health applications.
Steven Chan, MD, MBA, and Burhan Ahmed Khan, MD, navigating quality issues with digital mental health applications.
Steven Chan, MD, MBA, and Burhan...
Psychiatry & Behavioral Health
Andrew Penn, RN, MS, NP, CNS, APRN-BC
Andrew Penn, NP, explains mentoring, how to find one as an NP, and what to do when you have found a possible mentor. He gives practical advice, questions to ask, and avenues to find the right fit.
Andrew Penn, NP, explains mentoring, how to find one as an NP, and what to do when you have found a possible mentor. He gives practical advice, questions to ask, and avenues to find the right fit.
Andrew Penn, NP, explains...
Psych Congress Network
Julie Bailey
In this blog, Julie Bailey, LCPC, shares her insights on providing a safe space for patients to discuss these social anxieties, as well as tips to share with patients about slowly reintegrating into life after COVID-19.
In this blog, Julie Bailey, LCPC, shares her insights on providing a safe space for patients to discuss these social anxieties, as well as tips to share with patients about slowly reintegrating into life after COVID-19.
In this blog, Julie Bailey,...
Psych Congress Network
major depressive disorder
Mental health advocate, Dorothy Watson shares her insights about the impact the pandemic has had on mental health and where we go from here.
Mental health advocate, Dorothy Watson shares her insights about the impact the pandemic has had on mental health and where we go from here.
Mental health advocate, Dorothy...
Psych Congress Network