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Substance Use Disorder Topic Center

a cartoon illustration of a man sitting on the floor with this hand on his head, looking distressed.
In 2022, 1 in 5 overdose deaths in the United States involved people with mental health disorders (MHD) unrelated to substance use, according to a study published in Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report.
In 2022, 1 in 5 overdose deaths in the United States involved people with mental health disorders (MHD) unrelated to substance use, according to a study published in Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report.
In 2022, 1 in 5 overdose deaths...
Psych Congress Network
Mark Garofoli
Dr Garofoli discusses the key changes in the CDC's 2022 Opioid Guideline Update and their impact on clinical practice, highlights the expanded scope of the guidelines to all outpatient settings, the nuanced approach to pain management, and...
Dr Garofoli discusses the key changes in the CDC's 2022 Opioid Guideline Update and their impact on clinical practice, highlights the expanded scope of the guidelines to all outpatient settings, the nuanced approach to pain management, and...
Dr Garofoli discusses the key...
Psychiatry & Behavioral Health
From Psychiatry & Behavioral Health
Ken J. Martz, PsyD, MBA.
Kenneth J. Martz, PsyD, MBA, discusses how neuroplasticity can amplify traditional recovery techniques.
Kenneth J. Martz, PsyD, MBA, discusses how neuroplasticity can amplify traditional recovery techniques.
Kenneth J. Martz, PsyD, MBA,...
Psychiatry & Behavioral Health
From Psychiatry & Behavioral Health
A person sits holding a pill in one hand and a glass of water in the other
Three-quarters of US residents in a national survey did not know primary care physicians (PCPs) could prescribe medications for people with opioid use disorder (OUD) or believed incorrectly that they could not, according to a study findings...
Three-quarters of US residents in a national survey did not know primary care physicians (PCPs) could prescribe medications for people with opioid use disorder (OUD) or believed incorrectly that they could not, according to a study findings...
Three-quarters of US residents...
Psych Congress Network
Three illustrated faces, one sad, one neutral, one happy, with a human hand picking up the happy face
Buprenorphine, whether administered sublingually or subcutaneously, appears to be an effective option for the treatment of opioid use disorder (OUD) with fentanyl use.
Buprenorphine, whether administered sublingually or subcutaneously, appears to be an effective option for the treatment of opioid use disorder (OUD) with fentanyl use.
Buprenorphine, whether...
Psych Congress Network
lab work
A pharmacokinetics study of AD04, a potential treatment for AUD, is designed to meet an FDA requirement for an upcoming phase 3 trial and is expected to last 6 months.
A pharmacokinetics study of AD04, a potential treatment for AUD, is designed to meet an FDA requirement for an upcoming phase 3 trial and is expected to last 6 months.
A pharmacokinetics study of...
Psych Congress Network
What is best approach for interviewing patients with AUD on past habits?
Test your knowledge on APA guidelines
Test your knowledge on APA guidelines
Test your knowledge on APA...
Psych Congress Network
As Cannabis Availability and Potency Grows, Few Adolescents Receive Help for Addiction
Evidence is increasingly finding adolescence to be a critical period for the development of cannabis use disorder, according to a commentary article in the American Journal of Psychiatry.
Evidence is increasingly finding adolescence to be a critical period for the development of cannabis use disorder, according to a commentary article in the American Journal of Psychiatry.
Evidence is increasingly finding...
Psych Congress Network
Though the number of buprenorphine prescribers increased following the elimination of the X waiver in January 2023, the total number of patients using the medication to manage opioid use disorder (OUD) “changed little.”
Though the number of buprenorphine prescribers increased following the elimination of the X waiver in January 2023, the total number of patients using the medication to manage opioid use disorder (OUD) “changed little.”
Though the number of...
Psych Congress Network
A man lies in bed awake due to insomnia
Insomnia symptoms, even if mild, were found to be associated with increased drinking over time, according to findings from the “first study to examine if objective circadian measures can predict future alcohol use in adults.”
Insomnia symptoms, even if mild, were found to be associated with increased drinking over time, according to findings from the “first study to examine if objective circadian measures can predict future alcohol use in adults.”
Insomnia symptoms, even if mild,...
Psych Congress Network
rx summit
Harm reduction services for people with SUD demonstrate efficacy, but they continue to encounter social stigma and barriers, according to a poster presentation at the RX and Illicit Drug Summit.
Harm reduction services for people with SUD demonstrate efficacy, but they continue to encounter social stigma and barriers, according to a poster presentation at the RX and Illicit Drug Summit.
Harm reduction services for...
Psychiatry & Behavioral Health
From Psychiatry & Behavioral Health

More News & Updates

a cartoon illustration of a man sitting on the floor with this hand on his head, looking distressed.
In 2022, 1 in 5 overdose deaths in the United States involved people with mental health disorders (MHD) unrelated to substance use, according to a study published in Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report.
In 2022, 1 in 5 overdose deaths in the United States involved people with mental health disorders (MHD) unrelated to substance use, according to a study published in Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report.
In 2022, 1 in 5 overdose deaths...
Psych Congress Network
Mark Garofoli
Dr Garofoli discusses the key changes in the CDC's 2022 Opioid Guideline Update and their impact on clinical practice, highlights the expanded scope of the guidelines to all outpatient settings, the nuanced approach to pain management, and...
Dr Garofoli discusses the key changes in the CDC's 2022 Opioid Guideline Update and their impact on clinical practice, highlights the expanded scope of the guidelines to all outpatient settings, the nuanced approach to pain management, and...
Dr Garofoli discusses the key...
Psychiatry & Behavioral Health
Ken J. Martz, PsyD, MBA.
Kenneth J. Martz, PsyD, MBA, discusses how neuroplasticity can amplify traditional recovery techniques.
Kenneth J. Martz, PsyD, MBA, discusses how neuroplasticity can amplify traditional recovery techniques.
Kenneth J. Martz, PsyD, MBA,...
Psychiatry & Behavioral Health
A person sits holding a pill in one hand and a glass of water in the other
Three-quarters of US residents in a national survey did not know primary care physicians (PCPs) could prescribe medications for people with opioid use disorder (OUD) or believed incorrectly that they could not, according to a study findings...
Three-quarters of US residents in a national survey did not know primary care physicians (PCPs) could prescribe medications for people with opioid use disorder (OUD) or believed incorrectly that they could not, according to a study findings...
Three-quarters of US residents...
Psych Congress Network
Three illustrated faces, one sad, one neutral, one happy, with a human hand picking up the happy face
Buprenorphine, whether administered sublingually or subcutaneously, appears to be an effective option for the treatment of opioid use disorder (OUD) with fentanyl use.
Buprenorphine, whether administered sublingually or subcutaneously, appears to be an effective option for the treatment of opioid use disorder (OUD) with fentanyl use.
Buprenorphine, whether...
Psych Congress Network
lab work
A pharmacokinetics study of AD04, a potential treatment for AUD, is designed to meet an FDA requirement for an upcoming phase 3 trial and is expected to last 6 months.
A pharmacokinetics study of AD04, a potential treatment for AUD, is designed to meet an FDA requirement for an upcoming phase 3 trial and is expected to last 6 months.
A pharmacokinetics study of...
Psych Congress Network
As Cannabis Availability and Potency Grows, Few Adolescents Receive Help for Addiction
Evidence is increasingly finding adolescence to be a critical period for the development of cannabis use disorder, according to a commentary article in the American Journal of Psychiatry.
Evidence is increasingly finding adolescence to be a critical period for the development of cannabis use disorder, according to a commentary article in the American Journal of Psychiatry.
Evidence is increasingly finding...
Psych Congress Network
Though the number of buprenorphine prescribers increased following the elimination of the X waiver in January 2023, the total number of patients using the medication to manage opioid use disorder (OUD) “changed little.”
Though the number of buprenorphine prescribers increased following the elimination of the X waiver in January 2023, the total number of patients using the medication to manage opioid use disorder (OUD) “changed little.”
Though the number of...
Psych Congress Network
A man lies in bed awake due to insomnia
Insomnia symptoms, even if mild, were found to be associated with increased drinking over time, according to findings from the “first study to examine if objective circadian measures can predict future alcohol use in adults.”
Insomnia symptoms, even if mild, were found to be associated with increased drinking over time, according to findings from the “first study to examine if objective circadian measures can predict future alcohol use in adults.”
Insomnia symptoms, even if mild,...
Psych Congress Network
rx summit
Harm reduction services for people with SUD demonstrate efficacy, but they continue to encounter social stigma and barriers, according to a poster presentation at the RX and Illicit Drug Summit.
Harm reduction services for people with SUD demonstrate efficacy, but they continue to encounter social stigma and barriers, according to a poster presentation at the RX and Illicit Drug Summit.
Harm reduction services for...
Psychiatry & Behavioral Health
A person holds a cannabis joint in their hands
A lifetime history of heavy cannabis use in young adults was associated with lower brain activation during a working memory task, according to a study in JAMA Network Open
A lifetime history of heavy cannabis use in young adults was associated with lower brain activation during a working memory task, according to a study in JAMA Network Open
A lifetime history of heavy...
Steven Chan, MD, MBA, FAPA, FAMIA
Steven Chan, MD, MBA, FAPA, FAMIA, explains how telehealth providers can explore and adopt digital therapeutics for their virtual practices.
Steven Chan, MD, MBA, FAPA, FAMIA, explains how telehealth providers can explore and adopt digital therapeutics for their virtual practices.
Steven Chan, MD, MBA, FAPA,...
Psych Congress Network
Methylphenidate Improved Driving Performance in Adults
Methylphenidate improved driving performance in adults by reducing lane weaving and speed variation, according to results from a recent randomized controlled trial published in the Journal of Psychopharmacology. 
Methylphenidate improved driving performance in adults by reducing lane weaving and speed variation, according to results from a recent randomized controlled trial published in the Journal of Psychopharmacology. 
Methylphenidate improved driving...
Psych Congress Network
A recent study published in JAMA Network Open highlights the financial benefits of employer-sponsored behavioral health programs, demonstrating that these programs can result in significant net medical costs savings.
A recent study published in JAMA Network Open highlights the financial benefits of employer-sponsored behavioral health programs, demonstrating that these programs can result in significant net medical costs savings.
A recent study published in JAMA...
First Report Managed Care
psych congress family and friends podcast
Join Dr Craig Chepke and D. Rakesh Jain in this episode of the Psych Congress Family & Friends Podcast as they tackle a topic that affects so many patients receiving psychiatric treatment: nausea!
Join Dr Craig Chepke and D. Rakesh Jain in this episode of the Psych Congress Family & Friends Podcast as they tackle a topic that affects so many patients receiving psychiatric treatment: nausea!
Join Dr Craig Chepke and D....
Psych Congress Network
Brooke Kempf, PMHNP-BC
What role do long-acting injectables (LAIs) play in improving long-term outcomes for patients with schizophrenia? In this discussion, Brooke Kempf, PMHNP-BC, highlights the benefits of early LAI initiation, from reducing relapse rates and...
What role do long-acting injectables (LAIs) play in improving long-term outcomes for patients with schizophrenia? In this discussion, Brooke Kempf, PMHNP-BC, highlights the benefits of early LAI initiation, from reducing relapse rates and...
What role do long-acting...
Psych Congress Network
A woman holds her forehead looking stressed
Elevated translocator protein (TSPO) binding, a marker of neuroinflammatory processes, was associated with more pronounced daily suicidal ideation and negative affect during real-world stress in patients with major depressive disorder (MDD).
Elevated translocator protein (TSPO) binding, a marker of neuroinflammatory processes, was associated with more pronounced daily suicidal ideation and negative affect during real-world stress in patients with major depressive disorder (MDD).
Elevated translocator protein...
Psych Congress Network
Drug Overdose Deaths Overall Decrease from 2022 to 2023
A recent report from the National Center for Health Statistics found many decreases in drug overdose deaths between 2022 and 2023, though certain subsections remained stable or increased year over year, according to the CDC and the National...
A recent report from the National Center for Health Statistics found many decreases in drug overdose deaths between 2022 and 2023, though certain subsections remained stable or increased year over year, according to the CDC and the National...
A recent report from the...
Psych Congress Network
Edward Kaftarian, MD.
Edward Kaftarian, MD, shares his insights on the clinical, legal, and technological factors that impact virtual care for SUD.
Edward Kaftarian, MD, shares his insights on the clinical, legal, and technological factors that impact virtual care for SUD.
Edward Kaftarian, MD, shares...
Psych Congress Network
FDA building
The FDA has approved a supplemental biologics license application for lecanemab-irmb (Leqembi, Eisai Co., Ltd.; Biogen Inc.), an intravenous treatment (IV) for early Alzheimer disease (AD).
The FDA has approved a supplemental biologics license application for lecanemab-irmb (Leqembi, Eisai Co., Ltd.; Biogen Inc.), an intravenous treatment (IV) for early Alzheimer disease (AD).
The FDA has approved a...
Psych Congress Network