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Gout Specialty Channel

doctor with checklist and patient in bed.
Hyperuricemia has been associated with certain health issues, including gout. However, what is its impact on other disease states?
Hyperuricemia has been associated with certain health issues, including gout. However, what is its impact on other disease states?
Hyperuricemia has been...
Podiatry Today
Most clinicians are already deeply aware of the lifestyle and diet influences that impact the development of gout. However, a recent study delved into the pathogenesis of this condition on a molecular level
Most clinicians are already deeply aware of the lifestyle and diet influences that impact the development of gout. However, a recent study delved into the pathogenesis of this condition on a molecular level
Most clinicians are already...
Podiatry Today
gout nodule on a foot.
A closer look at a recent study in the Journal of Rheumatology.
A closer look at a recent study in the Journal of Rheumatology.
A closer look at a recent study...
Podiatry Today
Could the antioxidant properties of vitamin C have a relationship to gout risk? A recent study undertook this question and shared what they learned in Frontiers in Immunology.
Could the antioxidant properties of vitamin C have a relationship to gout risk? A recent study undertook this question and shared what they learned in Frontiers in Immunology.
Could the antioxidant properties...
Podiatry Today
In the 30 days following an initial diagnosis of gout, patients may experience a short-term increased risk of cardiovascular events, according to a recent publication in Arthritis and Rheumatology.
In the 30 days following an initial diagnosis of gout, patients may experience a short-term increased risk of cardiovascular events, according to a recent publication in Arthritis and Rheumatology.
In the 30 days following an...
Podiatry Today
The authors of a recent study pointed out that much of the data on alcohol consumption and gout risk either combined the sexes in their cohort or mostly studied men. They set out to look more closely at each sex and their incidence of gout in...
The authors of a recent study pointed out that much of the data on alcohol consumption and gout risk either combined the sexes in their cohort or mostly studied men. They set out to look more closely at each sex and their incidence of gout in...
The authors of a recent study...
Podiatry Today
The authors stress the life-changing nature of this condition, with impact from significant arthritic changes, recurring flares, pain, and risk for ulceration.
The authors stress the life-changing nature of this condition, with impact from significant arthritic changes, recurring flares, pain, and risk for ulceration.
The authors stress the...
Podiatry Today
A recent study took the link between insulin resistance and gout development a step further and investigated a relevant biomarker’s impact on this association in the US.
A recent study took the link between insulin resistance and gout development a step further and investigated a relevant biomarker’s impact on this association in the US.
A recent study took the link...
Podiatry Today
Depressive symptoms are prevalent among gout patients and influenced by various factors such as gender, disease stage, and knowledge about the condition.
Depressive symptoms are prevalent among gout patients and influenced by various factors such as gender, disease stage, and knowledge about the condition.
Depressive symptoms are...
Podiatry Today
vikas majithia
Drs Majithia and Butendieck provide some perspective on the continuing issues surrounding the diagnosis and effective treatment of gout, the most common inflammatory arthritis in the US.
Drs Majithia and Butendieck provide some perspective on the continuing issues surrounding the diagnosis and effective treatment of gout, the most common inflammatory arthritis in the US.
Drs Majithia and Butendieck...
Podiatry Today
The reviewers state that gout was historically described as an affliction impacting wealthy, Caucasian males. However, current research suggests otherwise.
The reviewers state that gout was historically described as an affliction impacting wealthy, Caucasian males. However, current research suggests otherwise.
The reviewers state that gout...
Podiatry Today

Headshot of John Tesser, MD, on a blue background underneath the PopHealth Perspectives logo.
John RP Tesser, MD, rheumatology specialist, Arizona Arthritis & Rheumatology Associates, and clinical adjunct professor, Midwestern University College of Health Sciences, discusses the MIRROR trial, a study which showed the addition of an...
John RP Tesser, MD, rheumatology specialist, Arizona Arthritis & Rheumatology Associates, and clinical adjunct professor, Midwestern University College of Health Sciences, discusses the MIRROR trial, a study which showed the addition of an...
John RP Tesser, MD, rheumatology...
First Report Managed Care
Recent research found a high correlation between both Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis with gout.
Recent research found a high correlation between both Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis with gout.
Recent research found a high...
Advances in Inflammatory Bowel Disease Network