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Volume 15 - Issue 5 - May 2007


Legal Ease
Dispensing prescription medications from the office is a practice many physicians consider. Two major reasons why include enhancing patient care and increasing practice profits. But do these endpoints really pan out, and what must you...
Dispensing prescription medications from the office is a practice many physicians consider. Two major reasons why include enhancing patient care and increasing practice profits. But do these endpoints really pan out, and what must you...
Dispensing prescription...
The Dermatologist
Chief Medical Editor Message
I’m a typical dermatology patient — one that you’re probably used to seeing about 10 times a day in your practice. I have atopic dermatitis, specifically, on the hands, which is worse in the winter and really bad when I wash my hands too...
I’m a typical dermatology patient — one that you’re probably used to seeing about 10 times a day in your practice. I have atopic dermatitis, specifically, on the hands, which is worse in the winter and really bad when I wash my hands too...
I’m a typical dermatology...
The Dermatologist


Derm Stats
Goodwill value is almost always the most significant and valuable component of a dermatology practice’s worth. The Health Care Group’s Goodwill Registry reports actual transactions involving the intangible goodwill value of dermatology and...
Goodwill value is almost always the most significant and valuable component of a dermatology practice’s worth. The Health Care Group’s Goodwill Registry reports actual transactions involving the intangible goodwill value of dermatology and...
Goodwill value is almost always...
The Dermatologist
Allergen Focus
In 1997 the Food and Drug Administration granted an indication for the use of the Thin-layer Rapid Use Epicutaneous (T.R.U.E.) Test Panels 1.1 and 2.1 as valuable, first-line screening tools in the diagnosis of allergic contact dermatitis...
In 1997 the Food and Drug Administration granted an indication for the use of the Thin-layer Rapid Use Epicutaneous (T.R.U.E.) Test Panels 1.1 and 2.1 as valuable, first-line screening tools in the diagnosis of allergic contact dermatitis...
In 1997 the Food and Drug...
The Dermatologist
Derm Dx
A 52-year-old Caucasian female presented with a 1-year history of papulosquamous plaques, chronic joint pain, and fatigue.
A 52-year-old Caucasian female presented with a 1-year history of papulosquamous plaques, chronic joint pain, and fatigue.
A 52-year-old Caucasian female...
The Dermatologist
Cosmetic Clinic
Whenever I lecture or consult, physicians seem to be very interested, not just in the techniques of cosmetic dermatology, but they are also fascinated with the management skills required to run a cosmetic practice. Although many...
Whenever I lecture or consult, physicians seem to be very interested, not just in the techniques of cosmetic dermatology, but they are also fascinated with the management skills required to run a cosmetic practice. Although many...
Whenever I lecture or consult,...
The Dermatologist
  Doctor-vs.-doctor battles have continued to erupt in several states over who gets top billing when it comes to billing patients. Pathologists have gotten under the skin of dermatologists by petitioning the states — successfully in...
  Doctor-vs.-doctor battles have continued to erupt in several states over who gets top billing when it comes to billing patients. Pathologists have gotten under the skin of dermatologists by petitioning the states — successfully in...
The Dermatologist
In most states, the harsh weather of winter is subsiding, spring is in the air, flowers are blooming everywhere you look, migratory birds are returning to their homes to mate and nest, trees are bursting with new growth, buds and leaves, and...
In most states, the harsh weather of winter is subsiding, spring is in the air, flowers are blooming everywhere you look, migratory birds are returning to their homes to mate and nest, trees are bursting with new growth, buds and leaves, and...
In most states, the harsh...
The Dermatologist
  Detailing the Problem The safety and efficacy of phototherapy is widely accepted. Yet its usage in the United States is on the decline — mostly because of the logistics and costs involved in providing these treatments. Here,...
  Detailing the Problem The safety and efficacy of phototherapy is widely accepted. Yet its usage in the United States is on the decline — mostly because of the logistics and costs involved in providing these treatments. Here,...
  Detailing the...
The Dermatologist
  Treatment Issue: Historically, treating vascular lesions, such as facial telangiectasias, has necessitated downtime with significant post-treatment purpura. This article discusses the reintroduction of using compression during laser...
  Treatment Issue: Historically, treating vascular lesions, such as facial telangiectasias, has necessitated downtime with significant post-treatment purpura. This article discusses the reintroduction of using compression during laser...
  Treatment Issue:...
The Dermatologist


