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Press Release

ExtriCARE USA partnered with Alleva Medical to offer quality PPE

To The Medical Community:

Firstly, ExtriCARE USA would like to thank the medical professionals and first responders. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, ExtriCARE USA has partnered with Alleva Medical to offer quality personal protective equipment (PPE). Right now, we are offering face shields and protective eyewear that can be immediately used to help protect our front-line responders who are fighting against the virus.

During this challenging time, we are committed to providing a steady supply of PPE while maintaining fair and reasonable pricing. Currently, we have sold approximately 20,000 units to the healthcare community in the U.S. We are continuing to ramp up production to meet demand and can drop-ship large quantity quickly.

We are asking everyone in the industry to help us get this equipment to those who need it most. If you are a healthcare facility, distributor or supplier to any of our front-line responders and need PPE, please contact ExtriCARE USA right away. We want to help protect our community and reduce the spread of this virus!

Contact info:




Peter Mason, President



