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Brionna Mendoza

A new mom sits on the couch holding her infant, and her forehead
A recent Swedish cohort study of primiparous women found that those who experienced gestational hypertension, preeclampsia, and eclampsia were at increased risk for new-onset neurological disorders months or years after giving birth.
A recent Swedish cohort study of primiparous women found that those who experienced gestational hypertension, preeclampsia, and eclampsia were at increased risk for new-onset neurological disorders months or years after giving birth.
A recent Swedish cohort study of...
fda building sign
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved a drug-device combination to treat movement-related symptoms in advanced Parkinson disease.
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved a drug-device combination to treat movement-related symptoms in advanced Parkinson disease.
The US Food and Drug...
A person sits holding a pill in one hand and a glass of water in the other
A Phase II clinical trial evaluating the efficacy of iclepertin (BI 425809), a glycine transporter-1 inhibitor, in treating cognitive impairment associated with schizophrenia (CIAS) showed no significant differences in cognitive outcomes...
A Phase II clinical trial evaluating the efficacy of iclepertin (BI 425809), a glycine transporter-1 inhibitor, in treating cognitive impairment associated with schizophrenia (CIAS) showed no significant differences in cognitive outcomes...
A Phase II clinical trial...
Psych Congress Network
The US Food and Drug Administration headquarters sign.
FDA Alerts
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved a supplemental New Drug Application for esketamine CIII nasal spray (marketed as Spravato) as monotherapy for major depressive disorder (MDD) in adults who haven’t responded significantly...
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved a supplemental New Drug Application for esketamine CIII nasal spray (marketed as Spravato) as monotherapy for major depressive disorder (MDD) in adults who haven’t responded significantly...
The US Food and Drug...
Psych Congress Network
A child sleeps in bed on her stomach with her mouth hanging open
Loudness of snoring, regardless of hypoxic burden and obstructive sleep apnea syndrome severity (OSAS), may contribute to hyperactivity in pediatric patients, according to an observational prospective study published in Sleep Medicine.
Loudness of snoring, regardless of hypoxic burden and obstructive sleep apnea syndrome severity (OSAS), may contribute to hyperactivity in pediatric patients, according to an observational prospective study published in Sleep Medicine.
Loudness of snoring, regardless...
Psych Congress Network
US FDA sign
Posdinemab, a phosphorylated tau-directed monoclonal antibody (mAb) being studied for the treatment of early Alzheimer disease (AD), was granted Fast Track designation by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
Posdinemab, a phosphorylated tau-directed monoclonal antibody (mAb) being studied for the treatment of early Alzheimer disease (AD), was granted Fast Track designation by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
Posdinemab, a phosphorylated...
Psych Congress Network
Brain health
Mood changes may precede symptom onset in sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (sCJD) as early as 3 years, according to the findings from a retrospective case-control study published in JAMA Neurology.
Mood changes may precede symptom onset in sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (sCJD) as early as 3 years, according to the findings from a retrospective case-control study published in JAMA Neurology.
Mood changes may precede symptom...
brain waves schizophrenia transcranial magnetic stimulation
A recent meta-analysis questions the effectiveness of transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) for improving cognitive impairments in individuals with schizophrenia after finding no statistically significant difference in cognitive...
A recent meta-analysis questions the effectiveness of transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) for improving cognitive impairments in individuals with schizophrenia after finding no statistically significant difference in cognitive...
A recent meta-analysis questions...
Psych Congress Network
woman schizophrenia depression smart phone
Patients living with schizophrenia discussed cognitive symptoms of the disease less often than psychotic symptoms, cognitive and other negative symptoms were “perceived” as “equally burdensome” as the positive symptoms of the disease due to...
Patients living with schizophrenia discussed cognitive symptoms of the disease less often than psychotic symptoms, cognitive and other negative symptoms were “perceived” as “equally burdensome” as the positive symptoms of the disease due to...
Patients living with...
Psych Congress Network
An illustrated picture shows two cartoon doctors, one holding up a magnifying glass to a cartoon brain.
Conference Coverage
Analysis of a long-term extension study of flexibly dosed esketamine nasal spray, in combination with an oral antidepressant, found durable long-term efficacy and safety of the treatment whether dosed weekly, every other week, or every 4...
Analysis of a long-term extension study of flexibly dosed esketamine nasal spray, in combination with an oral antidepressant, found durable long-term efficacy and safety of the treatment whether dosed weekly, every other week, or every 4...
Analysis of a long-term...
Psychiatry & Behavioral Health