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John de Miranda, EdM, CRC

John de Miranda, EdM, CRC
Harm reduction strategies have been viewed with skepticism by many. The opioid epidemic has forced a re-evaluation of both harm reduction’s place in the treatment toolbox and the role of treatment professionals.
Harm reduction strategies have been viewed with skepticism by many. The opioid epidemic has forced a re-evaluation of both harm reduction’s place in the treatment toolbox and the role of treatment professionals.
Harm reduction strategies have...
Addiction Professional
Lessons learned from meeting clients where they are and engaging in a use and risk reduction plan tailored to their needs for addiction treatment have informed a different approach to helping patients reduce smoking.
Lessons learned from meeting clients where they are and engaging in a use and risk reduction plan tailored to their needs for addiction treatment have informed a different approach to helping patients reduce smoking.
Lessons learned from meeting...
Addiction Professional