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Rahul K. Nath, MD

Original Research
This study examines brachial plexus neurolysis as a reconstructive procedure for obstetric brachial plexus injury, exploring its impact on limb function and mobility.
This study examines brachial plexus neurolysis as a reconstructive procedure for obstetric brachial plexus injury, exploring its impact on limb function and mobility.
This study examines brachial...
Gait Improvements After Peroneal or Tibial Nerve Transfer in Patients with Foot Drop: A Retrospective Study
Original Research
The results of a retrospective analysis of surgically managed 21 patients who had knee injuries and foot drop are reported.
The results of a retrospective analysis of surgically managed 21 patients who had knee injuries and foot drop are reported.
The results of a retrospective...
Excellent Recovery of Shoulder Movements After Decompression and Neurolysis of Long Thoracic Nerve in Teen Patients With Winging Scapula
Original Research
A significant improvement in scapula winging and active range of motion (AROM) of the shoulder is reported in 16 teen patients after LTN decompression and neurolysis.
A significant improvement in scapula winging and active range of motion (AROM) of the shoulder is reported in 16 teen patients after LTN decompression and neurolysis.
A significant improvement in...
Original Research
Peripheral nerve injuries make up many upper extremity musculoskeletal disorders, as peripheral nerves in the upper extremities are susceptible to damage due to their superficial course and length.
Peripheral nerve injuries make up many upper extremity musculoskeletal disorders, as peripheral nerves in the upper extremities are susceptible to damage due to their superficial course and length.
Peripheral nerve injuries make...
Original Research
In this study, improvements in glenohumeral joint alignment; scapular hypoplasia, elevation, and rotation (SHEAR) deformity; and upper extremity functional movements were demonstrated in adult patients with OBPI 1 year after the mod Quad...
In this study, improvements in glenohumeral joint alignment; scapular hypoplasia, elevation, and rotation (SHEAR) deformity; and upper extremity functional movements were demonstrated in adult patients with OBPI 1 year after the mod Quad...
In this study, improvements in...
Triangle Tilt Surgery in an Older Pediatric Patient With Obstetric Brachial Plexus Injury
Triangle Tilt Surgery in an Older Pediatric Patient With Obstetric Brachial Plexus Injury Rahul K. Nath, MD,a Abdelouahed Amrani, MD,b Sonya E. Melcher, MLS,c and Mitchell G. Eichhorn, BSc aTexas Nerve and Paralysis Institute,...
Triangle Tilt Surgery in an Older Pediatric Patient With Obstetric Brachial Plexus Injury Rahul K. Nath, MD,a Abdelouahed Amrani, MD,b Sonya E. Melcher, MLS,c and Mitchell G. Eichhorn, BSc aTexas Nerve and Paralysis Institute,...
Triangle Tilt Surgery in...
Original Research
The authors reviewed their clinic’s data from 1022 patients with foot drop from 2004 to present to determine the incidence, causes, and risk factors of foot drop.
The authors reviewed their clinic’s data from 1022 patients with foot drop from 2004 to present to determine the incidence, causes, and risk factors of foot drop.
The authors reviewed their...
Triangle Tilt Surgery: Effect on Coracohumeral Distance and External Rotation of the Glenohumeral Joint
Triangle Tilt Surgery: Effect on Coracohumeral Distance and External Rotation of the Glenohumeral Joint Rahul K. Nath, MD, and Faiz Mahmooduddin, MD Texas Nerve and Paralysis Institute, 6400 Fannin St, Ste 2420, Houston,...
Triangle Tilt Surgery: Effect on Coracohumeral Distance and External Rotation of the Glenohumeral Joint Rahul K. Nath, MD, and Faiz Mahmooduddin, MD Texas Nerve and Paralysis Institute, 6400 Fannin St, Ste 2420, Houston,...
Triangle Tilt Surgery:...
Nitric Oxide Signaling and Neural Stem Cell Differentiation in Peripheral Nerve Regeneration
Nitric Oxide Signaling and Neural Stem Cell Differentiation in Peripheral Nerve Regeneration Jessica Tao Li, PhD,a Chandra Somasundaram, PhD,b Ka Bian, MD, PhD,a Weijun Xiong, MS,b Faiz Mahmooduddin, MD,b Rahul K. Nath, MD,b and...
Nitric Oxide Signaling and Neural Stem Cell Differentiation in Peripheral Nerve Regeneration Jessica Tao Li, PhD,a Chandra Somasundaram, PhD,b Ka Bian, MD, PhD,a Weijun Xiong, MS,b Faiz Mahmooduddin, MD,b Rahul K. Nath, MD,b and...
Nitric Oxide Signaling and...
Biceps Tendon Lengthening Surgery for Failed Serial Casting Patients With Elbow Flexion Contractures Following Brachial Plexus Birth Injury
Original Research
The successful outcome of biceps tendon lengthening (BTL) on 10 OBPI patients, who were resistant to serial casting and had EFC and significantly shorter arm when compared with the unaffected arm after serial casting, was reported.
The successful outcome of biceps tendon lengthening (BTL) on 10 OBPI patients, who were resistant to serial casting and had EFC and significantly shorter arm when compared with the unaffected arm after serial casting, was reported.
The successful outcome of biceps...