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Supawat Ratanapo, MD

Clinical Images
A 73-year-old man with a cardiac history of Barlow’s mitral valve and severe mitral regurgitation had been treated with a complicated mitral valve repair 1 year prior.
A 73-year-old man with a cardiac history of Barlow’s mitral valve and severe mitral regurgitation had been treated with a complicated mitral valve repair 1 year prior.
A 73-year-old man with a cardiac...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
Case Report
We present a case of non-ST elevation myocardial infarction complicated by cardiogenic shock requiring intra-aortic balloon pump placement and acute renal failure due to contrast-induced nephropathy over pre-existing chronic kidney disease....
We present a case of non-ST elevation myocardial infarction complicated by cardiogenic shock requiring intra-aortic balloon pump placement and acute renal failure due to contrast-induced nephropathy over pre-existing chronic kidney disease....
We present a case of non-ST...
Cath Lab Digest
Endovascular Techniques
Nagabandi and colleagues describe a series of cases illustrating the safe and effective use of the brachial vein for several common procedures and appropriate techniques.
Nagabandi and colleagues describe a series of cases illustrating the safe and effective use of the brachial vein for several common procedures and appropriate techniques.
Nagabandi and colleagues...
Vascular Disease Management
Original Research
The authors investigate whether vascular closure devices selected for characteristics optimal for venous closure can deliver a safe and effective way to achieve rapid hemostasis.
The authors investigate whether vascular closure devices selected for characteristics optimal for venous closure can deliver a safe and effective way to achieve rapid hemostasis.
The authors investigate whether...
Vascular Disease Management