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Basem Elbarouni, MD

Original Contribution
The authors examined the frequency and outcomes of Ostial Flash balloon use in aorto-ostial chronic total occlusion (CTO) percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) in a multicenter contemporary CTO-PCI registry.
The authors examined the frequency and outcomes of Ostial Flash balloon use in aorto-ostial chronic total occlusion (CTO) percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) in a multicenter contemporary CTO-PCI registry.
The authors examined the...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
Original Contribution
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
Original Contribution
Dr. Nikolakopoulos, et al. compared the clinical, angiographic, and procedural characteristics of 120 CTO-PCIs performed via dRA access with 2625 CTO-PCIs performed via proximal radial access (pRA) in a large, multicenter registry.
Dr. Nikolakopoulos, et al. compared the clinical, angiographic, and procedural characteristics of 120 CTO-PCIs performed via dRA access with 2625 CTO-PCIs performed via proximal radial access (pRA) in a large, multicenter registry.
Dr. Nikolakopoulos, et al....
Journal of Invasive Cardiology