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Daxin Zhou, MD

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Clinical Videos
Video Supplement to "Outcomes of a Transapical Edge-to-Edge Repair System in Secondary Mitral Regurgitation" (Original Contribution).
Video Supplement to "Outcomes of a Transapical Edge-to-Edge Repair System in Secondary Mitral Regurgitation" (Original Contribution).
Video Supplement to "Outcomes of...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
Original Contribution
The authors report the mid-term outcomes following transcatheter edge-to-edge repair using the ValveClamp system from a multi-center database of patients with both atrial and ventricular secondary mitral regurgitation (MR_ and further...
The authors report the mid-term outcomes following transcatheter edge-to-edge repair using the ValveClamp system from a multi-center database of patients with both atrial and ventricular secondary mitral regurgitation (MR_ and further...
The authors report the mid-term...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology