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Kavita Sail, PhD

Research Reports
Matthew S Davids MD, MMSC
Beenish S Manzoor, PhD, MPH
Nisha C Hazra, PhD, MSc
Honghao Fang, MSc
Arliene Ravelo, MPH
Fang Han
Annie Guerin, MS
Kavita Sail, PhD
Sheila Shapouri, MS
Mazyar Shadman, MD, MPH
Dr Davids and colleagues estimated the total cumulative costs per patient of treatment sequences for adults with chronic lymphocytic leukemia, with and without deletion 17p, as well as the budget impact of introducing sequences with...
Dr Davids and colleagues estimated the total cumulative costs per patient of treatment sequences for adults with chronic lymphocytic leukemia, with and without deletion 17p, as well as the budget impact of introducing sequences with...
Dr Davids and colleagues...
Journal of Clinical Pathways