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Original Contribution

Trust Your Gut

Kip Teitsort

Is it true a dog can smell fear? Can cows feel a storm coming? Why do bees only sting certain people? Why does a deer stand erect when it hears a twig crack? Do the animals know something is about to happen?

And, when it comes to self-preservation, are we really that different from those other animals?

Have you ever heard someone say, "I just knew something wasn't right," or "I had this feeling something was wrong"? In my police experience, I've heard those kinds of remarks from victims of crimes. Similarly, as a paramedic, I've heard ill and injured people say they believed they were going to die. In both cases, the victims experienced feelings of impending doom. Medical personnel take this feeling in their patients very seriously, because it usually represents a true medical emergency. Paying attention to it may also prove beneficial in personal safety.

This relates to what I call the Human Animal Theory. I believe we all still can, on a subconscious level, often recognize dangers based on subtle clues. According to Carlin Flora of Psychology Today:

"Intuitions, or gut feelings, are sudden, strong judgments whose origin we can't immediately explain. Although they seem to emerge from an obscure inner force, they actually begin with a perception of something outside--a facial expression, a tone of voice, a visual inconsistency so fleeting, you're not even aware you noticed."

When lecturing on personal safety, I start by asking women if they've ever been to a big city. Most have. I then ask them if they ever went shopping somewhere in that city. Again, the reply is usually yes. Then I ask if they ever recall a point where they were just about to insert the key into the door of their car when, out of nowhere, they had a feeling someone was looking at them--and then looked up and saw someone staring at them from a distance. I ask, "How did you know to look specifically in that direction? How did you know they were there?" Can you think back to a time this has happened to you?

With men, I pose an encounter many of us have had: That pleasant, friendly person who isn't aggressive or threatening, but about whom some voice in our head says, "Man, there's something about that guy--I wouldn't want to have to fight him." Why would you worry about that guy? What are you picking up?

Most people have watched some sort of reality TV show about cops. There is a camera view of the officer in a patrol car, driving down the street, passing numerous people on the sidewalks and cars coming and going. As he's saying something like, "I grew up in this town, I really love helping my community--" he'll suddenly key up on something and stop to investigate--and bam!, there's a car chase or foot pursuit. Why did the police officer decide to stop that particular person or car?

The interesting thing is all these feelings are similar. They all represent a perception that something's just not right. You've heard people tell you to "listen to your gut instinct," and that's what's being described here. I believe we get this "feeling" because somewhere, we perceived a threat. We only register the information as a vague gut instinct because we were not focused on that particular stimulus. The human mind can be aware of many things, but only focus on one. Criminals take advantage of people who are distracted.

Pay attention to that little voice--it is there for a reason. If you ever get the feeling something is just not right, here are some tips:

  • Do not ignore the feeling!
  • Immediately look 360 degrees around yourself.
  • If you see someone who looks suspicious, briefly look them in the eye. Do not stare; simply let them know you saw their face.
  • Do not act like a kid hiding under the covers. Awareness of your surroundings is key.
  • Call someone early.
  • Know your specific location at all times. Landmarks, street names and buildings are all important in case you have to summon help.
  • Notice vehicles and license plates if possible.
  • If practical, walk toward a nonthreatening group of people.
  • Find a way to create distance from the threat; be like a moth and go to the light--well-lit areas are safer.
  • Report it! Let the police know about suspicious behavior. Many crimes have been solved by people calling in their suspicions to police.

Too many times people hear that little voice or get that feeling in their stomach and fail to recognize it for what it is. Taking simple preventive steps by listening to your gut instinct can have a profound impact on the outcomes of potentially dangerous situations.

Kip Teitsort is the founder of DT4EMS. He is a veteran paramedic and police officer experienced as an EMS educator and law enforcement defensive tactics instructor. Kip continues to train in several martial arts, including Kali/silat, submission grappling and kickboxing.


