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New Hampshire Lawmakers Push for Ivermectin Bill

Ann Latner, JD

In New Hampshire, doctors and politicians are clashing over a bill which would make the unproven COVID-19 treatment ivermectin available at pharmacies.

Ivermectin, an antiparasitic drug, has not been approved for use in treating COVID-19, nor have any studies found it to be effective. Despite this, New Hampshire lawmakers are moving forward with making it available in pharmacies via a standing order. The Senate voted 14-10 in favor of the bill.

Republican Majority Leader Sen Jeb Bradley said he thinks “Ivermectin is something that will prove to be something that can work for a lot of people,” despite the lack of clinical evidence. He noted, “We’ve had a tremendous amount of testimony, people who have used ivermectin and absolutely swear by it.”

The bill’s cosponsor, Republican Rep Jim Kofalt, believes making ivermectin available in pharmacies will be safer, since people would have to consult with a pharmacist first.

“The problem we see right now,” said Mr Kofalt, “is that people are ordering from overseas and they’re getting it from sources that they don’t know very well.”

The medical doctor in the New Hampshire Senate, Democratic Sen Tom Sherman, a board-certified gastroenterologist, has expressed great concern and is speaking out against the bill.

“It is just dangerous,” said Dr Sherman. “It is breathtaking how irresponsible it would be to do that.”

Dr Sherman pointed out a recent study by the New England Journal of Medicine which showed ivermectin is not effective against COVID-19 and did not reduce hospitalizations.

“That is being dismissed here by a legislative body, and that is what is so painful,” said Dr Sherman.

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