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Georgia Man Killed in Fiery Tree-Cutting Accident

ALBANY, Ga. (AP) -- A Dougherty County man was killed in a tree-cutting accident Tuesday when he was crushed by the tree, then burned when a fire ignited the grass around him.

Reggie Barnnett, 47, was trying to cut down the tree behind his girlfriend's house Tuesday afternoon by tying it to his father's pickup truck and driving to pull it down.

The tree apparently fell in the wrong direction and landed on top of the vehicle, crushing the cab and trapping him inside. The truck's engine then overheated, igniting the grass and then the truck itself.

Police said Barnnett's body was found burned beyond recognition. But they said he probably was dead before the truck caught fire.

Barnnett was an associate pastor at Hines Memorial Church and worked with the youth group.