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Announcement: Journal of Clinical Pathways Launches New Online Submission Service for Authors

Dear Readers,

The Journal of Clinical Pathways (JCP) editorial team is pleased to announce that effective immediately, all submissions to our journal should be uploaded to our new online manuscript submission service, Editorial Manager.

For authors, this new submission system will make it easier to:

  • Submit a manuscript along with all required files
  • Track a submitted manuscript as it works its way through the editorial process
  • Review revisions through acceptance

This new system will also reduce the time from manuscript submission to publication.

Editorial Manager for JCP is now live, so authors interested in submitting to our journal should visit:

If you are interested in submitting a manuscript, please review our Author Guidelines to find useful guidelines, a brief overview of article types and required sections, our ethics and editorial policies, and more.

If you have any questions specific to Editorial Manager, please check out our dedicated FAQ page.

We appreciate your support of the Journal of Clinical Pathways and look forward to reading your submission!


