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IVOS Medical Announces BOSS G4 Video Laryngoscope Sheath Designed to Improve Intubation Safety

IRVINE, CA—IVOS Medical, Inc., a startup medical device company specializing in airway management, announced the development of its BOSS G4, an economical, single-use video laryngoscope sheath designed to enhance intubation safety, particularly for high-risk patients in emergency or soiled intubations. The BOSS G4 is compatible with existing video laryngoscope platforms and incorporates novel features to help maintain clear vision and provide continual oxygen delivery during intubation. IVOS Medical is initiating commercialization for the BOSS G4 and continuing product refinements, targeting market entry in 2026. 

 “Our BOSS G4 is designed to empower healthcare providers and first responders, and to raise the standard of care in intubation by improving outcomes in emergency intubation situations,” said Gabriel Punsalan, CRNA, MS, CEO and co-founder of IVOS Medical, Inc.

IVOS Medical has been awarded approximately $1.9 million by the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II grant supported by the National Heart, Lung, And Blood Institute of the National Institutes of Health for research and development of the BOSS G4. This Phase II funding follows an NIH SBIR Phase I grant awarded in Fiscal Year 2022 to test the feasibility of the company’s innovative technology.

“I am grateful for the tremendous support from the NHLBI, particularly Dr. Siddharth Shenoy, Program Officer in the Division of Lung Diseases, for backing our research and advancing this lifesaving technolog,” Punsalan, said. "Additionally, we appreciate the support of the University of California Medical Center's Departments of Anesthesiology and Emergency Medicine clinicians in testing the BOSS G4 during feasibility studies. Finally, we thank University of California Beall Applied Innovation for accepting us into their accelerator program, providing access to invaluable advisors, workspace, and investors to bring this technology closer to production.” 

“This SBIR Phase II award underscores the importance of IVOS’s value proposition, product, and the team’s ability to successfully execute on its Phase I milestones,” stated Francis Duhay, MD, MBA, IVOS’s business advisor and partner. “Our current aims focus on completing product development and achieving clinical validation, bringing us one giant step closer to the patients who would benefit the most."  


Research reported in this publication was supported by the National Heart, Lung, And Blood Institute of the National Institutes of Health under Award Number R44HL164325. The content is solely the responsibility of IVOS Medica and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.