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Saundra's Corner

ADHD Rating Scale-IV (ADHD-RS)

How to Use

The ADHD Rating Scale-IV obtains parent ratings regarding the frequency of each ADHD symptom based on DSM-IV criteria. Parents are asked to determine symptomatic frequency that describes the child’s  home behavior over the previous 6 months. 

The ADHD Rating Scale-IV is completed independently by the parent and scored by a clinician. The scale consists of 2 subscales: inattention (9 items) and hyperactivity-impulsivity (9 items). If 3 or more items are skipped, the clinician should use extreme caution in interpreting the scale. Results from this rating scale alone should not be used to make a diagnosis.

Click here for website for ADHD-RS


How to Score

For  inattention (IA) subscale raw score:  Add the odd-numbered items

For hyperactivity-impulsivity (HI) subscale raw score:   Add the even-numbered items

To obtain the total raw score: Add the IA and Hi subscale raw scores

Convert the raw scores to percentile scores by using the appropriate scoring profile provided on the back of the rating scale.

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DuPaul GJ, Power TJ, Anastopoulos AD, Reid R. ADHD Rating Scale-IV: Checklists, Norms,
and Clinical Interpretation.
New York: The Guilford Press; 1998.




